Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

5 Good Cat Tips

Some good stuff from about things some cat owners do wrong. Let me know what you think.....
1. They do not have yearly examinations done on their pets. Yearly exams are important and can find health problems early when many are more treatable.

2. They don't keep a current ID tag or microchip on their cat. Many cats don't have a current ID tag or microchip. However, even indoor cats occasionally get out. This is the most vulnerable of cats. An ID tag or microchip is the BEST way a lost cat can be returned to you. At the clinics, we often see pets brought in without a tag or microchip, and they end up going off to Rabies Control or to the Humane Society. Without identification, many of these pets are never reunited with their owners.

3. Skimping on nutrition is also a big problem. A good quality food is important to cats. Cats need a high quality balanced diet that is formulated to meet their life-stage needs.

4. Many pet owners don't pay attention to toxins and medications around their homes that cats can get into. Maybe it comes down to "cat-proofing" your home to ensure your cat can't get into common toxins such as rat poison, antifreeze, medications (cat and human) or the trash. Cats are especially fond of thread and other liner objects such as yarn and ribbon. Keep those items picked up and out of the reach of your cat as well.

5. Some cat owners don't monitor their cats. It is important to do this on a daily basis. Cats are so good at hiding their illnesses that often, by the time we notice, the disease may be quite advanced. For this reason, it is important to look for early signs of problems. Monitor your cat's urinations, defecations, attitude and appetite every day. Don't just keep dry food down and not be sure if your cat is eating, offer a little canned food twice a day to ensure he is eager to eat.

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