Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

feline photography

Oh my! Such a treasure trove I have for you today. This is the result of another fortuitous stumble -- I was searching "philosopher cat" and then "Wittgenstein's cat," and up popped a page entitled
Cats: Four Legs and a Tail
or (The Semiotics of Feline Photography in the Age of New Media)
or (Neo Feline Enlightenment as a change from Post Canine dogma)

And its compiler writes,
I've decided that there is no point in just another site with cat pictures,
no matter how cool. One needs an encompasing vision to take one's mediocre
imagery to the level of proper Art. So this site is no longer a set of images,
rather an exploration of discovery into the psyche of some really wired

Where does Wittgenstein come in? From this set of a couple cats rolling on his grave - rolling I say!

There are cats from Romania, cats from Rome. Cats from Paris, Amsterdam, and Luxor. Cats from Venice and Istanbul. From Wales, Potsdam and Bristol.
There is a squirrel. It is an honorary cat.

The commentaries alone are worth the trip. But don't take my word for it. Save half an hour and feast your eyes.

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