Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Do You Talk To Your Pet?

All About Pets is pet website from the UK and they recently posted a survey asking if you talk to your pet. Not surprisingly, 97% of those taking the survey said yes.

Do animals know you're having a conversation with them? In some ways they do. They get to know certain phrases and certain actions that go with those phrases. Like it or not, humans are creatures of habit, and our furry pets, especially dogs, learn based on repetition, so it's no surprise that they know our habits.

I have conversations with my pets all the time. That doesn't mean they know what the heck I'm talking about, and they aren't going to solve the price of gas problem, but they do become a way for us as humans to vent, and provide therapy in so many ways.

What kind of conversations do you have with your pets?

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