Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Another Reason People Hate PETA

So PETA has found another target to use to push their agenda. This time, it’s a 20 year old jockey who happened to be riding in his first Kentucky Derby, finish in second place, and then have the poor horse break her two front legs.

So what is PETA doing about the situation? Asking for the jockey to be suspended!! And they are asking this without any knowledge of what happened, without stating any facts, without really focusing on the issue at hand.

And based on this: “PETA faxed a letter Sunday to Kentucky’s racing authority claiming the filly was “doubtlessly injured before the finish” and asked that Saez [the jockey] be suspended while Eight Belles’ death is investigated.”

Huh??? How could they know this?

I understand that horse racing is a tough sport, and if you want to attack horse racing as a whole, then by all means, use that as your subject. Ask the hard questions of the industry and get their responses. But don’t go after the poor jockey and make him guilty before being proven innocent.

The fact is that horses get injured at race tracks across the world every day, some of which have to be euthanized. But, you don’t see PETA at every one of these tracks making a big statement. You also don’t see PETA asking for the jockeys of every one of these horses to get suspended. Nope, they instead found a high profile, nationally covered event to make their points.

And instead of making the industry their target, they are trying to make an example out of one person. They are going after a young rider who happened to finish second in the Kentucky Derby. Now, I don’t know if this jockey mishandled the horse or not, but shouldn’t we wait and find out before trying to ruin this young man’s career?

Here’s the recent AP article.

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