Senin, 11 Februari 2008

U.S. Attorney Indicts U.S. and Chinese Companies in Pet Food Scandal

According to a report by Pet Product News International, three companies are facing federal charges in relation to the distribution of a contaminated pet food ingredient that might have cost more than 4,000 dogs and cats their lives.

Recently, a federal grand jury indicted a U.S. food importer and two Chinese firms for their roles in manufacturing and distributing contaminated wheat gluten that sickened thousands of pets. ChemNutra of Las Vegas and its executives, husband and wife team Steve and Sally Miller, are facing 27 charges, including 13 misdemeanor charges alleging they "delivered adulterated food, which contained melamine," 13 misdemeanor charges alleging they "introduced misbranded foods into interstate commerce," and a felony wire fraud conspiracy charge alleging that the Millers and ChemNutra participated in a conspiracy to defraud the companies that purchased some of the Chinese-firm manufactured wheat gluten by "concealing material facts from those purchasers."

The full story can be found:

Personally, I think the more that is done to help prevent this crisis from happening again, the better. The fact that they are accused of concealing material facts from purchasers tells you right there the intent.

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