Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

Woman Finds Dog - Solves Problem

I can't believe this actually happens, but read below and keep in mind that it is a true story.

TEXAS – Kim Velevis and her husband are natives of Houston, Tx. So when they got a letter from Tulsa, Ok., explaining their dog was in a new home, they were a bit confused.

On Christmas Eve, the couple's pug Scooter dug his way out of their fenced in backyard. Just after the new year, the Velevis' received an anonymous letter stating Scooter was in a new home.

The letter's author claimed she found the dog, and that her daughter had always wanted a pug. The woman went on to say that the child's father maintained custody, and she had given the dog to her daughter as a Christmas gift.

The letter explained that the girl lives with her father in Dallas. The author said she has problems with alcohol and has, “lost everything else.”

She went on to say she's been sober for six months and wants her life to be different. However, she couldn't ask forgiveness for what she'd done. “He does have people who love him and are taking care of him,” the letter said.

The Velevis' say they don't want to press charges, but they do want their dog back. They'd even be wiling to buy the girl another dog.

The woman got the Velevis' address from the dog's collar. She also included $20 with the letter as compensation.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary's Thoughts, and Adam's Blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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